• Exchange & Returns
    1. Normally, we suggest checking your products thoroughly when the delivery boy comes with your product. Pay for your product only after checking. After the delivery boy is gone no defect, no color problem or anything will be considered. We have no Exchange or Refund Policy.

      Our return policy is to check your product while the delivery boy is still at your door and if for some reason the product is not the correct one or not to your liking, you have to hand over the product to the delivery boy therefore also paying the Delivery Charge to the delivery boy

      You cannot order multiple-colored dresses to check your preferred color and return not to your liking. You cannot order multiple sizes of the dress to choose the dress with your size and return the dresses that are not your size. If you have any problem with choosing the correct size, you can take help from our Size Chart.

      For those who have paid for the product in advance, if for any reason the product seems defective or not the right one please do return the product to the delivery boy who'll be waiting at your doorstep until your inspection. Our team will reach out to you and return your payment within the next 7 to 10 days.